Good to see some literary criticism by someone who seems to know something about literary criticism – or extraliterary criticism, at least. But saying that the first internet novel was written by Jeanette Winterson (in 2000!) is iffy. Graham Watkins, Douglas Coupland, Neal Stephenson, and Sylvia Brownrigg might have better claims. There were also novelizations of films such as The Net and Hackers in the mid-1990s and some YA novels about the internet too, but these might be too lowbrow for a site that publishes personal essays on pro wrestling.
Good to see some literary criticism by someone who seems to know something about literary criticism – or extraliterary criticism, at least. But saying that the first internet novel was written by Jeanette Winterson (in 2000!) is iffy. Graham Watkins, Douglas Coupland, Neal Stephenson, and Sylvia Brownrigg might have better claims. There were also novelizations of films such as The Net and Hackers in the mid-1990s and some YA novels about the internet too, but these might be too lowbrow for a site that publishes personal essays on pro wrestling.
This is an excellent review of a book I plan to read as well as a good short history of the Internet novel